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welcome to the team


 our collections


Be cool and stay cool in kit made from advanced lightweight materials that protect your skin and feel good all day. Comfortable, breathable and durable our gear is made with clever quick dry technical fabrics to keep you fresh so you can just enjoy the ride. Simple.

Clean, clear, and crisp. Our kit is manufactured using the latest techniques and put together by a highly skilled team in their European factory. When we received the first samples what hit us straight away was the quality.. that combined with the originality and vibrancy of our designs results in clothing that will catch the eye and just last really well. That’s also simple.

Fun. That’s what it is all about. It always has been and it always will be. The original Team Raggamuffin jerseys reflected that and that remains the same. Whether it is loud and lively on our Carnival Jerseys or subtle and sophistiKated in our Stealth range - colour is at the centre of everything we do. Colour is important. Colour is fun. And yes, that is simple too.


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